Instruments of Our Lab.

*To use Laser-Raman Microspectroscope, Perkin-Elmer Spectrum-One, it needed to make consultation with a person concerned with the System for Exterresterial Material Analysis (Dr. Kitajima (our lab.) and Prof. Nakamura (Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sci., ) or Prof. Nakamuta (Museum of Kyushu Univ.).

**To use GC-MS, GC-7A, and NMR, please consult to Dr. Yamauchi. While having priority to our lab's members usage, it is free for charge.


Mass Spectrometry

1 ESI-TOF MS  Mariner   

2 **GC-MS Shimadzu QP-5000



1 *Laser-Raman Microspectroscope  


2 IR Microspectroscope

Perkin-Elmer 1600+Spectra-Tec IR-Plan

*Perkin-Elmer Spectrum-One

3 Fluorescence Microspectroscope       

ZEISS Axioplan

4 **Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

JEOL EX-90A         

5 UV-VIS Spectroscope

JASCO V570      


1 Pyrolysis-GC            

Hitachi G-5000+Curie-Point Pyrolizer  


2 GC

Shimadzu GC-17A

**Shimadzu GC-7A


Shimadzu LC-10A System, LC-9A System, Yanaco L-4000W

And so on..

1 Clean Bench

2 Freezer

3 Centrifuge

HItachi CR-15B

4 Autocleave

5 Incubator